What RCRA Training Is All About

RCRA training is oftentimes referred to as Hazpower or Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response training. According to the U.S.’ OSHA Standard there are 5 different types of hazardous waste today. Any employer who has employees that work with or around these materials is required to provide them with RCRA training in order to ensure that they remain both healthy and safe while on the job. Today there are a few different types of RCRA training available but it’s vital that it be OSHA accepted, meaning that it either meets or exceeds OSHA’s requirements.
8 Hour RCRA Training
With this type of RCRA training you’ll cover the bare minimums. Things like regulations, dangerous chemicals, air monitoring, safety hazards, medical surveillance, decontamination and protective equipment are covered. These are considered to be the most important topics for RCRA training whenever you’re on a work site that contains health hazards or dangerous substances.
24 Hour RCRA Training
This RCRA training is designed for those who will only occasionally be on a work site where there are hazardous wastes. It will focus upon hazards in the workplace. Ways to prevent or eliminate such hazards will be discussed.
40 Hour Rcra training
This is a RCRA training course that’s specifically designed for anyone who’s involved with cleaning up after hazardous wastes … anyone from a volunteer to an employee. Topics discussed will include how to store, properly dispose of and treat uncontrolled hazardous substances that are found on waste sites. There will also be discussion of how to protect against and eliminate these hazardous substances, as well as how to keep both yourself and the environment safe while you are doing so.
Choosing Your RCRA Training
It is important to find RCRA training from a professional that you’re comfortable with. Then you won’t mind returning to them on a yearly basis for additional RCRA training. Oftentimes when you work with the same provider all the time they’re also willing to provide you with discounts.
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