Top Four Interesting Facts About Play Grounds

If you are looking into the playset installation cost for kids outdoor playsets, then you are probably concerned with swing set safety. In order for your children to be happy but also safe, you want to make sure that your kids outdoor playset has been properly installed so that you can have peace of mind. Before you look into hiring someone to install your big backyard swing sets, here are a few facts about the history of play grounds that you should probably know first.
1. ALthough this might surprise you, New Jersey enacted the first comprehensive piece of legislation in 1907 that made way for the public play ground boom in the United States. They created a playground commission which was intended to select, purchase, and conduct the playground sites for the state.
2. Though New Jersey paved the way for the standardization and legislation of the play ground in the country, they were not the first state to have one. The first playground in the United States opened in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco in 1887. This inaugural park included swings, slides, a carousel, and goat powered cart rides.
3. The first municipal playground was in erected in Seward Park in New York City. It had a humble opening in 1903 with a slide and a sand box.
4. One of the biggest benefits of the play ground is the fact that it helps to instill good exercise and activity habits in children at an early age. Before children reach the age of ten, it is much easier to instill good habits. Play grounds help to instill the good habit of physical activity in children while exercising can still be branded as fun and playful.
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