Elevator Shaft Fall the Result of Improper Workplace Safety

Workplace injuries are all too commonplace in the U.S., and many are totally preventable. Such was the case when a 50-year-old Michigan construction worker fell 22 feet down an elevator shaft while on the job.
A seasoned construction employee for the past 30 years, Gerrit Blok was secured with a harness while working on a second-floor elevator shaft. When Mr. Blok finished the job, he detached himself from his harness and unfortunately lost his balance while trying to grab his ladder. As a result of his fall, he sustained a head injury and possible broken bones; he is currently listed as being in critical condition.
Sadly, job site injuries are overwhelmingly prevalent in today’s workforce, especially on industrial sites. Too often, these injuries prove fatal. A 2012 study from the United States Department of Labor found that out of 4,600 fatal job injuries, 666 were directly related to falls, slips, and trips.
Clearly, even highly experienced employees need to ensure proper safety regulations are followed at all times in the workplace. Refresher safety courses can help a great deal; not only do they establish safeguards for all employees, they can help save companies a significant amount of money in the long run. Since reducing workplace injuries even by 10% can save nearly $60,000 per year, investing in the safety of employees can really pay off for workers and agencies alike.
Studies have shown that investing in preventative measures can significantly help reduce the cost of onsite injuries. These measures include regular equipment maintenance, purchasing equipment with better safety features, and ensuring that dangerous tasks are handled by automated machines or technology, rather than employees. Ensuring employees are properly trained and supervised can also help tremendously in keeping costs down and workers safe.
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