Dog Abandoned on Sidewalk Goes Viral, Then Gets Rescued

Last month, one’s pup’s plight went viral. Now, he’s been given a reason to wag his tail once more.
When a Detroit family was evicted in September, they left some possessions out on the curb. Among their discarded assets were some furniture, a mattress, and a loyal friend. Boo, the family dog, refused to leave the sidewalk for a month, often sleeping on the abandoned mattress.
After a heart-wrenching image of a sleeping Boo went viral, a kind neighbor reached out to Mike Diesel, founder of Detroit Youth and Dog Rescue. Diesel immediately headed over to Boo’s curbside surveillance spot in an attempt to gain the dog’s trust.
It took over 11 hours and lots of tasty grub (including a Sausage McMuffin), but Boo finally started to accept Diesel’s kind gestures. He allowed Diesel to put a collar on him and take him for a walk, marking the first time Boo dared leave his lookout since his family moved away.
The pair then sat on a blanket for about an hour, enjoying the sunshine and each other’s company. Eventually, Boo allowed Diesel to pick him up and put him in his truck. From there, they headed straight for the vet.
The sweet, gentle dog was suffering not only from heartbreak, but from another heart condition, too. After veterinary tests were conducted, Boo was found to be heartworm positive. Unfortunately, this condition is far from rare: an estimated one million dogs test positive for heartworm each year in the United States. Luckily, Boo started treatment the very next day for his heartworm and is in otherwise excellent health.
Now, the Detroit Youth and Dog Rescue is seeking a foster home, and subsequent forever home, for Boo. Given all the attention he’s received, the organization hopes he will have no trouble finding owners who will be just as loyal and loving as he is.
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