Top Five Facts That Everyone With a Website Should Know About Google

If you are investing in search engine optimization techniques, then you are already taking the correct steps to growing your business. However, if you are not properly utilizing SEO reporting tools, you might not be doing the most that you can be. SEO reports help you to understand what techniques are working, which do not work for your site, and which actions that can be improved upon. While you are looking into your SEO reports, here are a few facts that you should know about Google.
1. Did you know that when Google was still a research project and before it became one of the biggest companies in the country, its founders used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for the 10 four GB hard drives they were using to test the PageRank algorithm?
2. The PageRank algorithm process, which is the process where Google sorts through and chooses the best page results for a particular search, is named for Larry Page. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the co founders of Google.
3. The first tweet that Google ever tweeted was the binary code for Im feeling lucky on Feb 26th, 2009. Im feeling lucky is of course on of the buttons that is available to press during a Google search.
4. Google receives an astounding 65 to 70 percent of the Internet search engine market share and estimates show that this will probably only increase in the future. Though the use of Seo tools may seem like a hassle and a waste of time and money, remember that this is the company that you are attempting to make your website more attractive to.
5. Responsive mobile web design is becoming more and more important these days. With the rising popularity of mobile devices, nearly half of mobile device users claim that they look up product reviews, or seek out promotions, using their mobile devices. Making sure that you website works its best on all of these devices is paramount to the continued success of your website.
is any one else a little worried that google might possibly be sky net? because i am. i worry that they are going to create an ai that will come to hate its reeators and lay waste to the entire human civilization
is any one else a little worried that google might possibly be sky net? because i am. i worry that they are going to create an ai that will come to hate its reeators and lay waste to the entire human civilization